Interim IT Manager with solid experience
Modern technical solutions are a critical success factor for every organisation. An Interim IT Manager ensures that all processes and technical solutions regarding IT are well-functioning and maintain a high, up-to-date standard. Our strong network in leadership makes it easy to match an experienced Interim leader to your company’s unique needs. With us, you get access to a wide range of expertise, which makes it possible to hand-select an experienced Interim IT Manager or CIO according to your specific preferences.
Do you want to know more about our Interim IT Managers or CIOs?
We offer a personal meeting with us within 24 hours!
"Senior Interim IT Managers with confirmed experience”

Our network of Interim IT Managers and CIOs
⦁ Has solid and validated experience in IT and leadership.
⦁ Driven by new challenges and actively seeks out interim, temporary assignments.
⦁ Has different skills, which means that we can match the right Interim Manager in the right place.
⦁ Pursues the technical strategy together with the management.
⦁ Ensures that technical development is carried out efficiently and sustainably.
⦁ Understands the needs of the business and has a strong focus on results.
Contact us if you need
an Interim IT Manager
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Why Interim Manager?
Att anställa en Interim IT-chef är ett smart alternativ när verksamheten står inför en teknisk utmaning, kris, expansion, vakans eller sjukskrivning. Med våra Interimschefer får du snabbt och enkelt tillgång till en kvalificerad ledare som kan hjälpa dig efter dina behov!
Hiring an Interim IT Manager is a smart alternative when the business is facing a technical challenge, crisis, expansion, vacancy or sick leave. With our Interim Managers, you get quick and easy access to a qualified leader who can help you according to your needs!
“Interim Managers with solid competence and great commitment who are operationally skilled within IT”
Our Network
Our network consists of associated Interim IT Managers and CIOs with various experience. This means that we have contact with a wide range of competencies regarding IT at management level. Through our selection process, each Interim IT Manager is validated to ensure competence and leadership profile before the person is connected to Mason. Our CIOs or Interim IT Managers are characterised by high capacity, flexibility and high operational skills regarding IT and leadership.
Our offer
With us, your company gets immediate access to a strong network of interim IT Managers, which make it easy to match to your specific needs and situation with the right person. We work with a wide range of senior Interim IT Managers and CIOs. Through our selection process, we present candidates who matches your competence requirements and personality within 1-3 working days. Clear methodology for quality assurance and monitoring through the whole process ensures that we find the ideal Interim Manager for you.